Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Holiday Season

Recently my life has really been centered around school, lab and assignments. So, I have no photos and updates to show you.

Except if you wanna know that graffiti is kidda a major problem in Japan, or someone has forgotten their keys.

Or, you wanna see the massive choices of drinks from vending machines and yet, I am addicted to coke.

Or maybe you wanna see my pissed-off face in a cold weather... Yea! It's friggin cold and I dont like it! I desperately need to bask in the glorious sunshine, best is the tropical sunshine with thick slap of sunblock... good old days.. good old days...

Or worst come to worst, I can show you the best pictures of all time from my blog collections, the Ueno zoo's awesome-kick-ass ape's butt.

The thing is, I made it a point not to mix up work and play. That's is the reason why you dont often see me blogging about my lab, research, and school. In addition to the reason that actually my lab is working on a super-secretive-world-domination evil project, I don't wanna reveal any secret that cost me my head. YOU DONT PISS IN THE WELL YOU DRINK!! (Oh! Maybe the last sentence here is not related, but I am just finding an opportunity to yell it out!), YOU DONT PISS IN THE WELL YOU DRINK!! (again...) but I really really really need to update my blog, so...

*Gulp Gulp Gulp*, three naughty bottles of beer boycotting Miss Orange Juicy Sunshine.

It was the year-end party celebration last Saturday. Everybody was suit up, ready to mingle in an environment where research was not the main topic of conversation.

Me and She-san in her fabulous cheong-sam.

We were jealous bachelor students had a group picture among themselves so we gather all master first year student and took this happy picture.

Saeki wanna steal all the spot light from us so we kicked him!

Because the alumi were all there, so we had to introduce ourselves. I was speaking in Japanese, but by the look of my face, I think I was too nervous and I crapped my pants.

And I think this guy found out, he cant help himself laughing his guts out.

Well, who cares, more alcohol please!

It was awesome fun sitting on tatami floor, the food and the drinks and the chatting, the accompany with lab members was beyond joyous, Happy Holidays!

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