Tuesday, March 31, 2009

House Warming

What is great about being big sister or elder in Japan? Answer is, you could have a house warming party, invite your friends to come over to your house,but, you have them cook for you instead. Muahahaha!!

See Tatt was the chef of the day, he brought sushi ingredient and taught us how to make sushi. According to him, it's his first time making sushi but in my opinion, it was superb! made me wanna scream like the Japanese girls in high pitch tone, "OOOISHIIiii...!" **Glass crack**

Pity the guys, my room is so small, that they had to sit at the corridor while rolling the sushi. While me sipping my coca-cola, sitting on my bed, concentrating on the movie Red Cliff on the screen. (of course, on and off a quick step of walking over, giving a lil' of moral support, take some picture for this blog, and hustle off for my movie.)

I seriously had to admit, the guys were better in making sushi. I was helping out in trying to press the rice into rice clumps, the result was disastrous, I had my whole palm sticked with rice the first time, and the shape just didnt came out right till the end.

Someone suggested wasabi competition... everyone was gushing with tears while chewing. Suddenly everyone very touched, turned sentimental, everyone has tears in their eyes... sob sob! Oooishii..!!

Had a great time. :D

Monday, March 30, 2009


2 more days, it's gonna be one year for me here in Japan. I guess i would be writing some flash back of this amazing one year.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The new lair's transformation

Day -1: The negative 1 day before moving in.

A so called empty lair, with absolutely nothing except air.

The wardrobe and kitchen.

Day 0: Still Moving in.

Day 1: Arrival of the bed

Mattress that is made in Malaysia, from Muji. 無印良品

For the next one week,

Without Table.

Wallet recovery.........

After that,

MoRE Furniture SHOPPING!

The Arrival of the Table named Vika, Cupboard named Flarke, and Chair named Herman. (I cant agree more they are named funny. :-S)

But I just called my table "The Kenya's Goddess". Coz it's shinning black like Sandra in cycle 12 America's Top model.


The smiley daisy :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I dont even know how fast is this

Let's see,

27667kb/s, so it's 27Mbps.. which means 3.45MB/s?!

I have my own fiber optics connected right there under my table!! The internet guy even told me, please be careful not to bend the fiber optic wire! WHAT?!!! I only learn that in school,

"Chapter 1: Dont bend fiber optic."


Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Spring Time

After a dreadfully cold winter, you gradually realise it's okay to wear spaghetti string t-shirt in your room, and you started to wonder, "ey, why today not so cold one?!" then you carefully tip-toed to the bathroom and turn on the hot water tap, "ouch! Hot!". Then, you cautiously look through the window,


You know it's spring time when the grass is green again.

When a dad could spend a Sunday evening playing football with his kid,

When the picnic mat is out again from the frozen store room,

When the love birds know only how to chirp,

When you can still see your own shadow at 430pm around high rise building!

When the trees without leaves are so last week,

And when the sakura flowers shyly peeping through the beautiful spring day,

and Blossom!

It's Spring time and I cant wait for full bloom around next week! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The New Hood

I officially changed my address from Tokyo to Kanagawa.

Now am a proud resident of Kanagawa ken, whenever I do not feel like it, I can walk to the border of Tokyo-Kanagawa and pose like a lamp-post.

My building is the grey coloured building on the right.

Train line which I use everyday to Uni. Meguro line or Toyoko Line from Shinmaruko station heading to Tamagawa Station.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Party

9th March 2009. (Monday)

Professor Ando invited all the members in the lab to his house for dinner. It was an amazing night with delicious food, tons of alcohol and huge dosage of laughters.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


3rd March 2009 : Moving out

Room B1016, Tokyo International Exchange Center, Odaiba, Tokyo.

This is our fond Farewell! sob sob sob!